This past Sunday Pastor Joelle had requested that I be in the congregation yesterday to pray her on as she tackled a message on inclusivity and love for the LGBTQIA community. I was happy to be amongst an amazing group of people who believe deeply in the love of God – and yes – for ALL! Just a few short years ago, I am sad to admit, that I was unaware of just how many congregations are inclusive. They live with hearts and arms open wide, and they boisterously proclaim freedom and the good news for ALL!!!
Right before communion we sang a song that brought me to the awe and wonder of God and the work of the Holy Spirit in this place – The Church for ALL People here in Columbus. Look this song up. You will not regret it.
All Belong Here
By, The Many (Hannah, Lenora and Gary Rand)
When you’re not sure who you really are, and all you feel is the shape of your scars-
And you have more wounds than you can count
Open your eyes, look all around, you aren’t alone, this is your home.
Chorus: Come and remember who you are here. Do this to remember who I am.
Come and remember you belong here. All belong here.
When you don’t know how to forgive, when that door seemed like the only way to live
And you’ve got more questions than you can count
Open your eyes, look all around, you aren’t alone, this is your home.
When I searched the website where I found the songs, this is what I found written there:
“How can we lament, how can we find hope, how can we cry out to God, how can we get the courage to work for justice and peace, in the kind of world we’re living in right now? A world of hatred and violence, of greed and fear, and walls…so many walls.
The Many believe we need to sing together. And we need music that’s honest, full of questions, full of faith and doubt, full of longing. That’s the kind of music they crafted in this new album.”

Well, I was hooked! Yes, we need to sing TOGETHER! We need to cry together. We need to work together. For when we are together we find hope and courage to work for justice and peace! Right? These might be called creative acts of mercy.
They produced another song called “Forgive Us” that really speaks to where we find ourselves these days.
“We try, we fail, do too little too late, we wish we could walk away.
We hurt, we’re hurt. Nothing seems to work. We don’t know what to say.
Forgive us. Forgive us, we know not what we do.
Be with us. Be with us. We don’t know what to do.”
This one really speaks to us as we ask the question, “What is ours to do?” We are overwhelmed with all that is happening. But we believe we must do “something,” and while we are trying to figure the “something” out, we just want to know that God is with us – so close to us – Immanuel.
Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, and whether you observe Lent or not – we are reminded of the overwhelming LOVE of God that came to BE WITH US - through such a creative act of mercy as JESUS. Lent is a time of preparation to observe a LOVE so great that he would die to show us we are the Beloved of God.

It reminds me of the scripture that says, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.” Hosea 6:6. In I Samuel, it states, “I desire obedience rather than sacrifice…”
When we wake up to the morning news, and then we scour our social media feeds and see yet another privileged individual scolding those of us who are dismayed and working toward justice and peace – we are stunned yet again. But we are continually convinced that mercy and obedience to God means something opposite of what our friends on the other side of the aisle are saying and doing. So, we feel the tension, the struggle and we know the fragility of relationships, of hope, and of peace is oh so real.

This post is to remind you that you are not alone…that you indeed are amongst MANY! Do not quit! Yes, we all have questions about life, about the government, about faith…ALL BELONG HERE! March on in love. March on holding the banner of peace and let’s work toward sharing the good news of the Gospel of love and peace with everyone we encounter.

Kate Bowler – who has provided Lenten practices, prayers and blessings, wrote a blessing that I would like to share with you. My friend read this to me on Marco Polo, and I decided that I must share it with you.
When Good News Is Hard to Find - A Blessing. by, Kate Bowler
Bless you, witnessing the crumbling world. . .the disasters too fresh to mend. . . the losses that will not be restored, the cracks that will never be filled.
Blessed are we searching for hope, for peace breaking through like dawn, for the hungry to be fed, for pain to be relieved.
Blessed are we who dare to dream: parents might not fear for their children, leaders might guard their people; someday relief will come, a world where death is swallowed whole and tears dried forever. Here in this unfinishable life we bring our burdens so heavy to hands strong enough to carry them.
Blessed are you walking the path of courage, finding improbable ways to love, offering creative acts of mercy and practicing your reverent defiance of despair.
Blessed are you who create beauty in this world. May you carry this quiet revolution into a world aching for signs of hope.
Blessed are we trusting that somehow even now today could be a sign of good things to come.
Friends, take heart! “…Open your eyes, Look all around, You’re not alone…” and yes, lament, grieve as well. We CAN create beauty in this world. We are part of the revolution of HOPE! May we work for “good things to come.”
It is impossible to share our love for you! It is impossible to say “thank you” enough for your support, your love and your kindness towards us. Your creative acts of mercy and grace fill us daily!

(This is our new ordaining body. I am so grateful for an inclusive community of believers.)
Let’s share this love and kindness one soul at a time…one moment at a time…reversing the trends of hatefulness, derisive language and oppression. Let’s lift each other up. For this is something we CAN do in the face of overwhelm. Remember, ALL BELONG HERE!
IYKYK - I LOVE THEM! Celebrating Steffany @50! New Hair Stylist-IN OHIO!
It took 3.5 years to find her!
Thank you Pastor Teresa 💜